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Publishing your bot


How to publish the bot?

Once you are done with designing your bot, you can publish it so that you can present it to your end-users.

You can either publish your bot directly to your channel (Facebook page) or you can first test the functionality by publishing your bot to a Sandbox channel. Either way, follow these steps and you will be able to publish your bot in a few clicks.

  • Save your bot

Before you publish, you have to save your bot so that all you changes are made permanent. Saving your bot will overwrite data on your already saved bot.Clicking the button "Save bot" will take you to the next step "Select your channel"


  • Select your channel

You can publish your bot only at one channel at a time. Channels are your way to reach out to the customer e.g. Facebook page, Sandbox channel etc. If you have registered you channel with us ( you can register a channel in the "My Channels" section) you can select that channel through the dropdown list in this step. Once you select the channel, you will be moved to the next step "Publish your bot"



  • Publish your bot

If you have reached this step you are ready to publish your bot.This step publishes your bot on the channel you selected in the last step.  publishing your bot will overwright the current information on your channel. Once you click the button "Publish your bot", your but will be published onto that channel


