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How to configure a product catalogue

Product Catalogue

This conversation element lets you showcase your products as a carousel as shown below


Click on the cog button ☸  to configure the product catalogue and follow the self-descriptive prompts to complete the configuration. For each product, you will be prompted to configure the following items:
Field name Field description
Product image This image will be displayed with your product details
Product Name Use this field to discribe a name of your product e.g. This field will be displayed in bold characters and will catch user attention.
Name can only have letter or number and should be between 4 and 20 charcters long
Correct: My product, Product_1, New product, New.Product
Incorrect: Product(1), Product\1 etc.
Product Description Here you can describe your product in a few words. Description should be short and precise.
Description should be between 4 to 60 characters long.
Product ID Product ID is the a unique identifier for your product. Once the user selects your product. A system variable _CatalogueItem will be set with the product ID.
Correct: Product_1, Product.2.43, produ21
Incorrect: Product 1, Product,2.43, product(1)
