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Showing posts from December, 2020

Conversation Element "Set value of a variable"

 This conversation element lets you change the value of the variable .  You can only set the value of these variables: User variables that are defined within a conversation by using " Save user input ." System variable "_UserRegister1". Why modify the value of a variable? There can be various reasons for modifying the value of a variable. let's say you have declared a variable named "location" by creating the conversation element " Save user input ". However, you do not want to ask the end-user for location every time. You can achieve this by setting the value of the variable "_UserRegister1" to "LocationProvided". Now you can put validation criteria to check if the value of _"UserRegister1" is equal to "LocationProvided". If true, then don't ask for location.  How to configure this element? Log into repliedAI console  click here . Navigate to the "My bots" section.  If you have not creat...